Friday, January 23, 2009


To me this is hilarious, I hope it is not to disturbing to anyone. One morning I had been using a certain hand towell in the bathroom all morning, I even washed my face and dried it with said handtowell. Well, eventually Charlotte allowed herself to use the toilet, which has become a much unwanted interruption in her playtime recently. After she washed her hands I offered her the same hand towell I had been using, and she startled and backed away, and said, "No! I put poo on that yesterday!" I looked at the edge of the towell, and sure enough, it was true. The day before there had been an incident when she didn't make it in time, and ended up in the bath, unfortunately, I hadn't been in the bathroom at the time she had wiped her hand on the towell.
So I took a shower. What else could I do?

Stella told me yesterday that she plans to be a vet artist when she grows up, she would like to take care of animals, and would like to give them pictures when they come. She has been working on her talents in the house throughout this cold month. We also have been walking back and forth to the school most days, and she has even had a chance to try her new yellow bike! (from Santa of course).

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Okay the tooth came out! Stella was eating a cookie when finally the giver gave. We found it on the floor. It was the first tooth to arrive when she was an infant and now the first to go. No wonder it went for such a high price, the tooth fairy was completely aware of the value.. she is looking for investment ideas.

Christmas with Grandad and Nona was so fun.... has it really come and past already!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow is falling in huge flakes, adding to what must be a foot out there.

Christmas greetings are accumulating on the kitchen door. I am grateful for the family we will be seeing in the next few days, and for the family & friends who are far and near..... The abundance of love and holiday and spirit, and the magic my children create and inspire in this household. Winter well wishes to all......

Almost up to date.

The state fair celebration....