Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ocean Beach Hotel


Mai Vu, lovely hostess and my college buddy in the middle.
Far left, I found Ralph glasses in sand! Char and Margot.
Grandfather and me,
girls being angels at 

From Long Beach we drove to San Diego to visit my Grandparents.  
We played on Ocean Beach for two days and visited and dined with Grandma
and Grandfather each night.  Grandma is a gourmet chef, we had curry the first night
and lasagna the second night.  We stayed at my parents house on the way home.  
Lots of sun and sand.  Want to go back to the beach before summer ends!

California Trip

We went on vacation to California.  We drove to St. George, where we spent a night with Gershon's parents and then on to Long Beach for two nights with Mai, Phil, Beatrice, and Margot Pare at Christine and Ming Vu's home.  Phil made unforgettable gourmet burgers the first night, I have to remember to get that combination from him!  The girls got to play on the beach and play with Bea (4) and baby Margot (11 months).