Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Okay the tooth came out! Stella was eating a cookie when finally the giver gave. We found it on the floor. It was the first tooth to arrive when she was an infant and now the first to go. No wonder it went for such a high price, the tooth fairy was completely aware of the value.. she is looking for investment ideas.

Christmas with Grandad and Nona was so fun.... has it really come and past already!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow is falling in huge flakes, adding to what must be a foot out there.

Christmas greetings are accumulating on the kitchen door. I am grateful for the family we will be seeing in the next few days, and for the family & friends who are far and near..... The abundance of love and holiday and spirit, and the magic my children create and inspire in this household. Winter well wishes to all......

Almost up to date.

The state fair celebration....

Honestly, time has lapsed. It has been seasons since I have updated. So a quick synapses
is in order. Last installment was in the Spring upon return from
California. Since then I had a four month stint with Montessori school. I was enthusiastic
about the program there and the benefits for Stella and Charlotte, and I loved my
bohemian co-workers, but in the end we had to weigh out the costs and benefits and
chose to have Stella in afternoon kindergarten at Dillworth and Charlotte with me full time, and I returned to household manager and scullery maid. I slept and dreamed life was joy, I woke and found life to be service.... The two combined finding joy through service. My SAHM status reclaimed for an indefinite time as of mid October '08. Stella is very fond of public school her sweetheart teacher, her fun friends and the shorter school days. Her new friend's mom said that her daughter told her she never used to play on the playground at recess until Stella came. Chase is her favorite game. As for Charlotte, she is happy to be in my class, she says. The girls are best friends. More than ever, even in the past week. They are contendedly playing in their shared room right now by their bunkbeds; Wizard of Oz dolls.

Summer passed to quickly, I enjoyed bike rides, runs and yoga classes. Gershon and his band Veloure played three gigs in the fall, all children centered venues. Gershon continues basketball night on Mondays. Lagoon, State fair, Charlottes third birthday, and a month long of halloween celebrating hallmarked the past months. Love conquers all.