Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Winter photos

Six little things...

Okay, Steph, I have been thinking on this for awhile. Six little things you may not have known about me...

1. When I was a small child, perhaps three, my older sister and friends didn't dare enter the garage because there was a spider in there, and I went in, as I remember it was dark and scary, and I developed this self awareness that I was very brave, and that was a part of my early identity.

2. In the early nineties I was at Disneyland with my college boyfriend and it was a very crowded day. We were standing in lines all morning. We got to the Pirates ride and there was no line, we ran all the way past the ropes and to the boat. We were the only ones in there, we asked the attendant why. She said they had closed off the ride to the public momentarily because Michael Jackson had to get on privately, and now they had just re-opened. She said he was on the boat in front of us. So I spent the rest of the day trying to catch up with Michael Jackson, but I never caught a glimpse of him.

3. When I was 10 or 11 I developed crushes on every male in my neighborhood. I thought the boy much younger than me resembled river pheonix, and the old man next door was clark gable. Then there were all those ages in between. My parents thought it was pretty funny or messed up, I am not sure. My inability to discern between good men and riff raff cost me a lot of serenity growing up. I know that I am damn lucky to be with the fine outstanding individual I have somehow inconceivably wound up with.

4. On laziness. Well, umm, I was so lazy as a child. I used to cry if my dad asked me to hit the light switch I was standing next too. When we had to do yard work, I used every excuse to go back in the house, I peed every 10 min. or got a drink. Exercise felt like unbearable torture until I was 20 and I learned how to tolerate running for weight control. I also dropped out of ballet every fall and then regretted it at the Christmas recitals when my sister performed. I always slept at least 14 hours when I could and napped frequently. So now that I am a mom and I get by on 7 or less most days, I am sure this is how I stay thin. I am grateful for coffee and tea. I love exercise for some mental cleansing and feeling great. So it has all worked out for the best.

5. I heard Anne Heche one time say she believed she was an alien (and was crazy) until she turned 30. Well, I was crazy (delusional and confused) until I became a mom, which was at 30, so I related to her. Although now I noticed in the tabloids, she seems to have turned crazy again. Does this count ?

6. Guerilla parenting. I coined this phrase. I developed this technique when Stella turned one and began her fierce noncompliance. I would ambush her wash her hair despite the protests, or brush her teeth, or put her in her car seat. This actually didn't really work. But it was always the last resort.

Okay those are my six things you may or may not have known about me. I pass it on to Naava. Give us six!